
Whenever I encounter important published studies that have crucial flaws, I try to bring this to the attention.

  • Cold Showers and work absence (with Adriaan ter Braak) Blogpost by Sjamadriaan (Dutch)
    • A study published in PLOS ONE finding that cold showers strongly decreases work absence has implausible descriptive statistics, uses an incorrect statistical model and has undeclared conflicts of interest.
  • Criminalization of purchasing sex and rape in Sweden (with Olle Folke and Johanna Rickne) Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German) Twitter thread Replication files
    • A study published in JPOPE finding large effects of criminalization of prostitution on rape estimates an impossible RDD specification, which effectively identifies a seasonal effect rather than a discontinuity.

Participation in replication projects

I also participate in several replication projects, which aim to contribute to a more replicable and better social science: